Friday, 17 April 2015

Signs Diabetics Avoid Fruits It

Signs Diabetics Avoid Fruits It
Not all fruit is good for diabetics. There are several pieces that can cause changes in blood sugar levels. If the blood sugar level rises, it will be more severe diabetes.
Diabetics is obliged to keep his diet. Fruits and foods that can increase the blood sugar levels should be avoided. Otherwise, diabetes it will get worse.
Here are some pieces that should be avoided by diabetics, as reported by Boldsky:
1. Mango
Mango is a fruit with a high sugar content. People with diabetes should not eat mango too much because it can increase blood sugar levels.
2. Wine
People with diabetes should avoid eating grapes. Three ounces of wine only contains 15 grams of carbohydrates can increase blood sugar levels.
3. Pineapple
Pineapple is also a fruit with a high sugar content. Small bowl of pineapple alone could contain more than 20 grams of carbohydrates. Diabetics should avoid pineapple.
4. Bananas
Half a cup of bananas alone contains 15 grams of carbohydrates. GI value on bananas are also high, between 46-70. Diabetics should avoid bananas, especially very ripe.
5. Watermelon
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Although refreshing, diabetics should avoid watermelon. The fruit has a high GI value, namely 72. Watermelon potential to raise blood sugar levels.
6. Papaya
Papaya also has a high GI value, namely 59. The content of carbohydrates and calories in papaya fruit is also high. So that blood sugar levels do not rise, reduce the consumption of papaya.
7. Apricot
Apricot also has a GI value (sugar) is high, ie 57. The carbohydrate content of the fruit is also quite high. Diabetics should avoid this fruit.

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